Building Teams

This problem is a simple graph coloring problem/bipartite graph problem, where each person has to be of a different color of their friends. So, the ideia is to color the graph with two colors, such that no two adjacent vertices, or friends, have the same color.


In order to color the graph, we can iterate through each person and use a BFS algorithm to move his friends in separate teams, and so on. The code below shows the implementation of this algorithm, where teams is a map that stores the color of each person, and adj is the adjacency list of friends of each person.

unordered_map<int, char> teams;
vector<vi> adj;
queue<pair<int, bool>> q;

bool bfs(int node, bool team) {
    q.push({node, team});
        int person = q.front().first;
        bool next_team = !q.front().second;

        if (next_team) 
            teams[p] = 'A';
            teams[p] = 'B';

        for (auto &e : adj[p]){
            // verify visited
            if (teams[e] != 0){
                // verify if is possible to form teams
                if ((teams[e] == 'A' && next_team) || (teams[e] == 'B' && !next_team))
                    return false;
            q.push({e, next_team});
    return true;

Time and space complexity

The time complexity is O(n + m), since we need to traverse all the vertices and edges of the graph. The space complexity is O(n), since we need to store the color of each vertex in memory.